What We Do

At AWI Steel, we like to give back. That’s why we have a strong collaboration with RPA Newborn Care. We enjoy hosting regular events with the primary focus of raising funds to directly contribute to the important operations of RPA Newborn Care. At AWI Steel, we pride ourselves in our unwavering desire and dedication to empower and encourage people to make a difference. Every great action starts with the movement of one person.

What They Do

RPA Newborn Care is a specialist unit based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. They are equipped to care for babies born prematurely or full-term with advanced care needs. The unit additionally provides essential mental, emotional and physical support to parents and family members. This department includes three distinctive areas of care for babies that are critically ill; the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the High Dependency Unit and the Special Care Nursery. Based on the medical needs of each baby, their journey begins with placement in one of these critical units. RPA Newborn Care ensures that each and every baby receives the unique level of care that they need.