At AWI Steel Infrastructure Australia, we offer corrosion protection and customised finishing to ensure our steel is protected and can withstand the years of use.


Steel delivered to site is erected by our qualified riggers and site installers. If onsite welding is required, our experienced boilermakers will be coordinated by our Project Manager and project support team. Our project team will work with clients to limit disruptions and ensure the project is completed on time, every time.


Our installation team ensures all jobs are done efficiently, accurately and safely. Prior to work commencing, a customised installation methodology and SWMS will outline the health and safety requirements of the project and lists the typical hazards associated including the relevant control measures. With a growing team of supervisor’s and leading hands, we also ensure onsite assistance and supervision is present for all staff.


Our Workplace Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental management systems are the foundations of our commitment to promoting a culture focused on safety in our organisation. We are committed to exceeding industry standards and giving our client’s peace of mind. Our expectations are met by ensuring all personnel are compliant to our safety management processes and policies.